vpnc and nm-applet

A couple of things I've noticed:

Under KDE nm-applets icon isn't always fully initilized.  Often times it's
"there" but "not there".  Meaning that a space is being comsumed in the
notification area but there's nothing there that responds to clicks.  Killing
nm-applet and restaring it usually takes care of this.  I think I also managed
to make it appear once by hiding the panel and the exposing it, but that
hasn't been repeatable.

Secondly, I got the vpnc plugin to appear to work.  The tun device gets
created and it has the right IP address.  What didn't happen is that the DNS
and route information didn't get processed.  How can I make that happen?  Does
NM even try to make use of /etc/vpnc/vpnc-script (or equivilent)?


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