need a linux/wireless guru...


i'm trying to configure a wireless card for my dell laptop, running

is there someone i get talk to who can walk me through all the steps for
this process. i'd prefer someone who's actually accomplished this, as
opposed to someone who points me to sites... it would be good if i could
call during this process as well, if i got stuck!!!

the basic steps i need:
 -what card to get
 -what software to get (rpms/etc...)
 -how to integrate the software into the linux os
   (i really don't want to rebuild the kernel as some sites imply)
 -how to "see/access" the card
 -how to properly configure the software/system/card
 -how to have the system/card detect the wireless router/network
 -how to potentially troubleshoot issues with the

i'd like to create a basic document of my experiences so that others might
not have to go through this process...

compensation/lunch might be cool if you're in the bay area!!!



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