Re: NM not connecting

On 10/23/2005 07:58 AM, Trond Husø wrote:
Hi list,

I'm new to the list and I checked the archives for this problem, but I
didn't actually find a solution.

NetworkManager doesn't connect and I've pasted information in the mail.
When restarting network /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart I get online

My system is a compaq EVO N160 with fedora core 4 and a 3com network
card (version 1, as version two doesn't connect with the prism-driver)

# rpm -qa | grep wireless

# rpm -qa | grep NetworkManager


Can you try the latest version of NM for FC4, currently in updates-testing.

yum --enablerepo=updates-testing update NetworkManager

which should force you to update wireless-tools, dhcdbd, and bind as well. A reboot after this probably won't hurt. Let me know how that goes! If there are still problems, filing in bugzilla might be best.


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