Latest CVS and a couple other tidbits

Hey all, great work on all of the progress over the past 2 weeks.  I have been watching, and testing with great interest.  There are only a couple small things that I have noticed.

1. nm-gconf-wso-private.h  not included with make dist

Not a huge problem, I just add it to the tarball manually (cp into gnome/applet)

2. It doesn't compile because of a test - If I simply remove the test directory, and all references to test, then it compiles and will install just fine, but I prefer not to push that out to the users - When I attempt to compile, I get the following...

make: *** No rule to make target `../../test/', needed by `test-ciphers'.  Stop.

I suck at autotools, and have tried autoconf, automake, as well as running autogen over and over, and simply cannot get it to make  Not sure what I am doing wrong there, but any help/guidance is greatly appreciated.

3.  New madwifi drivers create a wifiX interface as well as athX.  This is similar to the aironet driver, for Cisco AiroNet cards, but NetworkManager sees wifiX as a wired interface, and (obviously) doesn't grab an IP - manually bringing the ath0 interface up, does not cause NetworkManager to notice it either.  Any ideas about that?  Or is it a driver issue itself?


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