Re: debugging lack of link events

Quoting Robert Love <rml novell com>:

The link monitoring should be unrelated to HAL/udev/DBUS.

It is does via netlink sockets, at a low-level.  See

Hmm.. Okay...  Thanks for that pointer.

Does your wired device work otherwise on return from resume?  It could
very well be that NM is not detecting it properly and the link detection
is just a fallout of that.

Yep.  I see kernel-log linkup/linkdown messages just fine after a
suspend/resume..  And if I stop NetworkManager I can ifup eth0 and it works
just fine.

Now that I know where to look and I can see if the netlink socket needs to get
reset after a resume..

	Robert Love


      Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
      Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
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