technical questions about nautilus views

I am attempting to develop a new nautilus view and wrote one of the
view maintainers nearly a week ago with the following questions. I
haven't gotten a response yet, so I figure that the nautilus list
might be able to help. Anyway, here are the questions I have:

(1) In the file fm-list-view.h under the defines there is this line:

#define FM_TYPE_LIST_VIEW               (fm_list_view_get_type ())

I can't seem to find the function that is referenced here
(fm_list_view_get_type). Where is this function actually
defined? I know that is has to do with GObject stuff, but
where is the function actually defined?

(2) Where does the function:

static void
fm_list_view_init (FMListView *list_view)

get called from? I can't find anywhere where it could possibly be
getting called from and yet I know that it is. This is really important
since I may need to modify this function, and I need to understand
how this function works, and where it is getting called from.

(3) Because I am extending list view, I am reusing much of the
existing list view code. However, I see all through the code
the variable "view" (of type FMListView) or
"view->details" (of type FMListViewDetails). I need
to separate the details from the view. 'view' is of type FMListView:

typedef struct {
     FMDirectoryView parent_instance;
     FMListViewDetails *details;
} FMListView;

I am extending list view so that I can have multiple list views. Is it
possible for me to remove the second entry for details, and replace it
with a GList of FMListViewDetails pointers, and continue to have the
same functionality? Obviously I would need to rewrite much of the
existing code to support this. I am just wondering if this will break
the gtk object model, or anything else.

So far I've been able to combine the "view" and the "details" into a container
struct. The problem I am running into now is that in several places a
function is being called with an FMDirectoryView and then being cast to a
FMListView. Is it possible for me to associate these functions with
just a single
FMListViewDetails struct?

Thanks for any help.

Mark Kegel

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