Url handlers


I'm looking at the double-click-on-cdrom bug again:


To summarize:

1. I have an URL handler for "cdda" URI schemes.

2. The URL handler is a script similar to Fedora's, which strips out the
"cdda://" prefix, reads the
"/desktop/gnome/volume_manager/autoplay_cda_command" gconf key, and
launches that command.

If I do "gnome-open cdda:///dev/hdc" on the command line, my program
from (2) gets launched properly.

But if I double-click on a CD icon in Nautilus, I get a file manager
window titled "hdc", with a single, unnamed file of type "WAV audio".

I'm having trouble finding the code in Nautilus that would figure out
that "cdda" URIs are in fact to be launched with a command.
activate_callback() in fm-directory-view.c falls down to the case for
ACTIVATION_ACTION_OPEN_IN_VIEW, which just calls open_location(), which
opens a file manager window.

Does anyone know what's going on?  Or where would a URI with a certain
scheme be processed?



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