icon positioning for desktop icons ...

Hi guys/devs,

I was poking around in ~/.nautilus/metafiles and changed the positions of the icons on my desktop which nautilus writes an xml file in this folder so I thought if i changed the permission to 400 on this particular file x-nautilus-desktop:%2F%2F%2F.xml that nautilus will remember the location specifically where I put the icons. This does work but really dirty way of doing it.

I would like to know if there is a possible way to set the default icon positioning for the desktop so nautilus can place them where i want and remember the location even when i clean up the desktop. This is an issue for me because i'm a ppc user and a mac user. I'm used to having my icons on the right side.

If there would be a way for nautilus preferences to lock icons into positions where user wants it would be a perfect integration into nautilus as well theme designers alike. Please let me know if there is already a way possible to do this correctly in a sane way.

If not please consider it a feature request for nautilus.

best regards


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