Re: Temporarily open folders on drag-and-drop

On Tue, 2006-01-03 at 17:03 +0000, Elia Cogodi wrote:
> David Christian Berg wrote:
> >As for spacial-mode this is of course a lot more tricky. The easiest
> >way
> >to work around the patent would be closing the destination window at the
> >end of the drag as well, since the patent is very specific about leaving
> >it open. Unfortunately this is not all that handy, but I think it is a
> >drawback, we are willing to take.
> What about this alternate behaviour: parent windows save the first are closed
> as soon as a new one is open while the drag continues (basically the drag-over
> open would correspond to a left-doubleclick for the first drilldown, and
> to a middle-doubleclick for the others). Thus you'd end up with two windows
> again: the one you started the drilldown from and the final target. All 
> intermediate windows are closed along the way, but still 'in a different
> manner' than what specified by the patent :) 

I was thinking about this before, but when you read the last lines of
the patent it is obvious that the user can close a window by hovering
into another window.... this means, that your as soon as would really
mean that the instant the new window appears the old window will
disappear without any user interaction.

I don't use spacial, so I can't really judge, how annoying this
behaviour is, considering your second, justified request about the
parent-tree widget is implemented.



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