No preview for svgz files [was Re: Nautilus anti-hax0r detection bug]

Il giorno mar, 04/10/2005 alle 17.09 +0200, Andreas Nilsson ha scritto:
> >Of course I'm reusing Jakub stuff :-)
> >
> >More info next days on theme-list, just the time to produce something
> >usable. I'm trying to use icon theme specs everywhere. 
> >  
> >
> How about reusing some stuff from the kde high contrast-theme (I think 
> it's called Mono)? Some nice stuff in there.

There are some interesting stuff I can reuse as "template", but GNOME
has a different stile, less details, more rounds :-|

But, my Nautilus don't produce any preview of svgz files and show them
as packages. Is it my fault?

PS yes, librsvg is complied with libcroco and libgsf.

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