Re: [PATCH]: Application chooser for the Open With dialog

On Thu, 2005-01-20 at 11:20 +0100, Fernando Herrera wrote:
> Hello. I've updated the patch with the following issues:
> El mié, 19-01-2005 a las 12:14 +0100, Alexander Larsson escribió:
> > You need to allow the window to be resized.
> I've changed to a bigger fixed size
> > 
> > The way this works is very bizzare. You select a desktop file from the
> > menu, extract the exec line from it, remove stuff that is needed, and
> > then create a new desktop file with the modified exec line (and none
> > of the other information in the original desktop file) in the users
> > home directory (this is what eel_mime_add_application does). A better
> > solution would be to just put the name of the desktop file in the
> > entry when you select one, and then make the code handle desktop 
> > files. This should be easy, and there is even a comment about doing
> > this in check_application.
> Ok, I've changed it little bit.
> The UI now shows by default the application list, and the entry is
> hidden under an expander. I think 90% of users will select an
> application from the list, and advanded users will use the entry to type
> a custom app.

Looks nice.

> > +	/* don't go back into the main loop if this wasn't very hard to do */
> > +	} while (!long_operation);
> > 
> > Why aren't loads via the icon theme long? They also read a file.
> Because they should be cached/mmap by gtk IIRC, but maybe I'm wrong.

No, that is just the existance of the icon, and their data. Not the
actual pixmap files.

> > Anyway, this should use
> > nautilus_icon_factory_get_pixbuf_for_icon_force_size()
> > instead of manually loading icons, so that the results is cached.
> Humm, we are doing this dialog in the eel lib, so we don't have access
> to nautilus_icon_factory.


> Attached is the new patch.

I commited this with some changes. Some formating fixes, some renaming
and some simplification. Also, I made sure to never use a desktop file
name the same as the original one, since that might overload the
original one. The (old) duplicate detection code in your version wasn't
right either.

Thanks for the work!

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's a war-weary arachnophobic jungle king who knows the secret of the alien 
invasion. She's a warm-hearted hip-hop former first lady from a family of 
eight older brothers. They fight crime! 

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