Re: Regarding "Connect To..."

Am Samstag, den 20.11.2004, 22:16 -0800 schrieb Eugenia Loli-Queru:
> >Not everybody has menu bar on their panels, some people use the menu
> applet and some people may not have anything on their panel. How on
> earth can they access these?
> This should not be the problem of Gnome. Gnome ships with a default layout 
> for a reason. If the user wants to *remove* stuff from the default layout, 
> the user should expect to also lose functionality.
> Purring offtopic items on application menus instead just because people 
> don't want a panel (which is one of the main parts of any modern DE/OS) is 
> not the answer. Standardization over a good UI that is not removable, is the 
> answer.

You're right on that Eugenia. Note though, that some people really don't
want to have a menu bar. For those, we could at least ship a simple
"Connect to Server" action button, very much like we already do for
gnome-search-tool, xkill and friends.


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