Improving File Management Preferences dialog

Description of problem

The "File Management Preferences" dialog has some issues
     1. It still use the (deprecated) GtkOptionMenu widget
     2. The "Icon Captions" tab don't follow the HIG specs
              * "Label the drop-down list with a text label above it or
                to its left"
              * explanatory text in dialog
     3. Global options are mixed with specific view options, for example
        list view options appears in both "Views" and "List Columns"

So I picked up my glade and I tried to build up something. 

Actual results

Here a detailed list of changes (items starting for '>' means just for
fun, not implementable actually :-)

      * dialog spacings
      * renamed tabs labels

      * removed hbox11 (containing default_view_optionmenu): HIG said
        "Do not use drop-down lists with fewer than three items".
      * s/sort_order_optionmenu/sort_order_combobox
      * note that sort_order_optionmenu use bad capitalization
      * add a "Manually" sorting option in sort_order_combobox
      * removed the "Tree View Defaults": now we are spatial, we can
        keep it simply as a GConf key, don't expose in UI
      * moved list and icon view specific controls in appropriate tab
      * use radio controls to choose default view
      * > add a detailed (MacOSX Finder style) selection on showed
        volumes on Desktop [1]

      * add a couple of radio (spatial_radiobutton and
        browser_radiobutton) to connect to
        /apps/nautilus/preferences/always_use_browser GConf key
      * Use the "Behavior" section to set spatial/browser UI. Use the
        "Items Activation" to set click policy.
      * delete the "Executable Text Files" section and pack it as
        dropdown list (scripts_combobox) in "Item Activation" section

Icon View
      * s/iconview_zoom_optionmenu/iconview_zoom_combobox
      * add labels (not so good but HIG compliant) for
        captions_*_optionmenu and convert them to ComboBox

List View
      * s/listview_zoom_optionmenu/listview_zoom_combobox
      * > add a checkbox to enable Classic Finder style tree view [2]

      * s/optionmenu/combobox 


For glade file see


[1] we have already the /apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible GConf
key, but it's a TRUE/FALSE for ALL volumes (hard, removable, server). 

[2] if and when someone will implement it, IMHO we don't need to add it
as a third view.

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