Re: On the making of shortcuts

On Sun, 2004-03-21 at 16:42, Peter Lundqvist wrote:
> Hi
> I've been toying with jhbuilds gnome26-module recently. Nautilus is all
> pretty and neat. I actually find myself using the spatial mode even though
> I'd thought it would suck.
> Anyway, I tried to find a way to make a shortcut on the desktop that
> points to a certain location in my local filesystem - namely '/data'.
> '/data' is a mountpoint.
> The make shortcut option in the menu is grayed out and I can't find a way
> to create a shortcut to it.
> Then I figured I can probably do this by just rightclicking on the desktop
> and use something like 'create shortcut' - I have a lot of stupid thoughts
> ;-)
> Any clue as to why this does not work?

Hmmm, its a bit silly i think. The way you normally use "make link" in
nautilus is to use it on a file, creating a "link to <filename>", which
you then dnd to wherever you want it. Of course, you can't write to /,
so the entry is grayed out. You can however, shift-ctrl drag to create a
link, or alt-drag and select link from the menu you get on drop.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
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former first lady who dreams of becoming Elvis. They fight crime! 

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