Re: UI Mockup Round 2

> And, lastly... Alan, I didn't understand you comment so you might want
> to rephrase it and repost it if you feel it's important.

Assuming I'm the alan you're referring to, I *think* what I said, or
meant to say, was that the mockup looks like a good replacement for the 
browser mode, but IMHO wasn't "right" for the spatial mode.  Spatial
seems to have made it's mark by being just a window around icons, not a
window with "stuff" (ie: the lefthand bar).  If you compare this to the
os/x finder look you'll see your mockup looks very close to the default
finder mode, but the finder has more navigation options (back/forward
buttons).  The apple finder 'spatial' mode, accessed by clicking the
button on the right of the titlebar, gives you a spatial mode very
similar to what nautilus currently has.

If that doesn't make sense, or was the entire point that I missed, 
please ignore me and blame it on lack of caffiene in my system :)


Alan <alan ufies org> -
"There are only 3 real sports: bull-fighting, car racing and mountain 
climbing. All the others are mere games."                -- Hemingway

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