Re: [PATCH] eject improvement - Nautilus bugzilla # 151840.

Dnia 15-12-2004, śro o godzinie 09:47 +0100, Alexander Larsson napisał:
> For the nautilus patch, I didn't try it, but it seems that it adds both
> the "eject" and an "unmount" item to the menu. I don't like that, as it
> unnecessary exposes the unmount operations for something that doesn't
> need it (when do you unmount but not eject a cd?)

When I'm re-writing a CD-RW disc with g-v-m running. This is quite
annoying scenario actually, as it creates vicious circle (umount -- auto
eject happens, insert -- auto mount happens), and writing over a mounted
CD-RW causes bad things to happen -- horrible de-sync of shown stuff
with its actual contents at best.

I'm not saying that exposing both unmount and eject in menu is good
thing, I'd rather avoid it, but sometimes having it is just necessary.
Dunno what would be the better way to tackle it than simply throwing
choices at user, though.


Maciej Katafiasz <ml mathrick org>

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