Re: [Usability] Re: Nautilus Sendto -- opportunities for generalisation (Repost)

Why we doesn't open a little window after the click in 'Send to...'.

The window (a little one) just need to have a list box with the
registered options (one list for each task), each option containing an
icon, a label, for start.

And a 'Ok', and 'Cancel' button. Maybe a main label explaining the
purpose of the window.

|Choose the destination for   |
|the selection:               |
| --------------------------- |
| | Bluetooth device       |^||
| | Printer...             | ||
| | E-mail attachement...  | ||
| | Gaim Transfer...       |v||
| --------------------------- |
|                             |
|[ ] Set as default action    |
|                             |
|         ______     ______   |
|        |Cancel|   |  OK  |  |

And in the context menu we just have a 'Send to...' entry, which opens
the above referred window.

The same could happen with de 'Open with...' menu entry, and related
multipurpose entries (more depth menu entries).

In fact, each choose window could have a 'set as default action'
checkbox or something like that.

Each item in the list could reference a Bonobo component for example. Or
each item could be handled by a simple callback function, with the file
selection as parameters.

As a guide(line) the window could be standardized. New applications just
register the new item in the list box. Avoiding windows with tricky
interface and selections.

It is just an idea.

Take care.
Adriano Del Vigna de Almeida
<adriano dot delvigna at freedows dot com>
Freedows Consortium - Brasil

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