Nautilus incorrecting displaying a warning dialog?


Today, I added drag and drop support using the middle mouse button (GDK_BUTTON2_MASK) to
gnome-search-tool.  I wanted to include support for the GDK_ACTION_ASK drag action so that users
could select copy, move, link or cancel from nautilus' popup menu.

I have this working, but I am seeing an oddity when I select the cancel menu item.  If I drop a
file on the desktop and select cancel, nautilus will display the warning dialog, "An invalid drag
type was used."   Nautilus should not display this warning if a user selects cancel.

After a little research, I found in the file nautilus/src/file-manager/fm-icon-view.c that the
function nautilus_drag_drop_action_ask() is returning 0 (an invalid GdkDragAction) which triggers
the warning dialog. 

Any ideas why nautilus isn't handling cancel correctly?  I am attached a proposed patch to disable
the the warning dialog if no GdkDragAction is selected.


Attachment: nautilus.diff
Description: nautilus.diff

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