Re: "Keep Aligned" mode in nautilus

Thanks a lot for that, you seem to be among the few that appreciate it. Its seems to be pretty uncommon with people feeling gratitude these days. Most comments we got at for implementing a much requested feature were big "fuck you"s, and that sort of thing makes working on free software pretty meaningless.
Anyway, ignore me, I'm just burnt out and fucked over.

i hear that, it has got to get tiresome to have people who aparently 
have the emotional/intellectual capacity of a 9 year old loudly and 
publically slamming you no matter what you do.  but remeber to read 
between the lines, in that long rambling thread on gd.o there are *2* 
people who are doing the vast majority of the agitating, and a dozen or 
so trying to keep the thread respecful and constructive.


independent u.s. drum'n'bass --

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