Re: "Keep Aligned" mode in nautilus

<quote who="Dave Camp">

> * Aligned mode is on by default.
> * The grid is about half the size of a normal icon space in a normal icon
> view.  This allows more freedom when placing icons, but means that icons
> won't always be in a strict grid.

(This is basically the same as the old Mac OS staggered mode, which is
really cool. Much better use of space.)

> * Clean up by Name places icons on the grid whether you're in aligned mode
> or not.  The end result is a nicer-looking clean up than before, but it is
> less compact.

I guarantee the next round of requests will be for "clean up without
sorting"... ;-)

> If you have compact layout turned on and aligned mode turned off, you'll
> get the old behavior (in keeping with the "compact mode is small and ugly"
> philosophy).

I find that using non-compact mode wastes a heck of a lot of space. Why do
you say compact mode is "small and ugly"? Could a compromise be found so we
can remove these mostly silly modes?

Thanks heaps for doing this, I've been using your testing patch from a few
days ago, and it works really well. Can't wait for your 2.3 release. :-)

- Jeff

GU4DEC: June 16th-18th in Dublin, Ireland   
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