Re: Patches improving tree view (multi-root and auto-follow)

Darryl Rees wrote:
Roberto Rosselli Del Turco wrote:

Actually you're forced to open another Nautilus window to copy/move files, so I wouldn't say it's optimal...

Don't understand what you mean. Windows uses tree-follows-main-view, and you can still copy into tree view folders. Yes, it's a PITA when the tree expands and your target falls off the end, but there are ways around that. It's a corner case, whereas for people who know and love it, tree-follows-main-view is pretty fundamental to the tree view's utility.
That (when the tree expands and your target falls off the end) is 
exactly what I meant. And no, I don't think it's a "corner case".

Roberto Rosselli Del Turco      e-mail:	rosselli at
Dipartimento di Scienze			rosselli at
del Linguaggio			Then spoke the thunder	DA
Universita' di Torino		Datta: what have we given?  (TSE)

  Hige sceal the heardra,     heorte the cenre,
  mod sceal the mare,       the ure maegen litlath.  (Maldon 312-3)

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