Re: Nautilus desktop icons and metacity

On Sun, Jun 01, 2003 at 04:27:53AM +0100, Steve Homer wrote: 
> While I agree that the icons should be unobstructed wherever possible, I
> think that shifting them to the right would be confusing and
> counterproductive. In any case, the simplest approach other than
> shifting icons around would be to change metacity to open windows on the
> right hand side, or to avoid desktop icons when possible.

Except all three of your arguments a/b/c also apply to 
placing windows initially on the left ;-)

metacity in cvs HEAD doesn't start on the left for an empty desktop;
it sort of centers windows as much as possible without decreasing the
number of windows of the same size that could be tiled on the screen.
Yeah, most people probaby interpret that as 'random' ;-)

Once the desktop isn't empty anymore, then it starts the top-left
cascade thing.


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