Whiped up a quick hack that rpm --requires and
--provides recursivly for a given package on a rpm based system, wanted
to make something like that anyway for future usage so this seemed as
good as time as any ;-) Below you'll find the list it comes up with for nautilus (w/o indirect requirements such as bash, glibc, xfree, etc) Enjoy, -- Chris atk audiofile control-center eel2 eog esound fam gail GConf2 glib2 gnome-desktop gnome-icon-theme gnome-vfs2 gtk2 libart_lgpl libbonobo libbonoboui libglade2 libgnome libgnomecanvas libgnomeui librsvg2 libxml2 nautilus-cd-burner ORBit2 pango scrollkeeper startup-notification John Blumer wrote: Hello, I'm trying to install Nautilus through Fink. Each time I try to install, it fails, asking for another needed dependency. Can someone point me to a list of software that needs to be installed first. I'm tired of copying files over from unstable, only to have another failure. TIA |