Re: Suggestion for file type detection approach

But why I can not feel that? Every time I open a directory, all files are showed together. If I open a directory contains large amount of files, nautilus becomes very slow.

And is there any MIME cache in nautilus or gnome-vfs? When I enter a directory the second time, the speed is as slow as the first time. But it should be faster.

James Su

Charles Goodwin дµÀ:
On Fri, 2003-12-26 at 01:32, James Su wrote:

Is it possible to implement the file type detection and thumbnail generation method in a progressive manner? Just like what gthumb does.

This is what Nautilus does currently, hence I'm a little perplexed at
people's complaints of Nautilus 'locking'.  I don't seem to have a
problem with it.  Indeed, just now whilst browsing my music folders,
Nautilus was fine traversing directories whether it had finished
thumbnailing or not (most of the thumbnailing was near-instant) even
though it was playing second-class-cpu-citizen to rhythmbox and I was
compiling something in the background.  And my machine is quite lowly by
todays standards (733/256).

There is _always_ room for improvement.  But I do think that it is
getting pretty good as it is with Nautilus and that using file
extensions is a dangerous if not naive path to go down.  I'd much rather
see the use of the meta-data which all future filesystems will support
and some now support.  I honestly haven't seen any decent argument for
file extensions - just some rather subjective statements.  You'll have
to do a lot better to convince the people hacking on Nautilus.

- Charlie

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