Re: Thumbnailing custom icons: A good idea?

On Fr, 2003-12-26 at 13:52 -0300, Fabio Gomes wrote:
> Em Sex, 2003-12-26 ās 13:24, Christian Neumair escreveu:
> > relevant code: libnautilus-private/nautilus-icon-factory.c:
> > nautilus_icon_factory_get_icon_for_file
> > relevant bug report:
> > In my opinion, we should give the user the possibility to add screen-
> > sized icons without complaining.
> > What's your opinion?
> IMO, they should be automatically shrinked to 48x48 (or whatever the
> default icon size is), keeping aspect ratio. If the user wants the
> original size, she right-clicks it and "restore icon's original size".
> This would prevent a screen-sized icon from messing with everything.

This is an odd example. Nobody will ever try to do such a thing. If so,
he can right-click the icon and scale it down.
In addition, the current situation means that the icon is *really*
thumbnailed so its resolution is botched.


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