Re: Computer icon: desktop pc, notebook or server?

<quote who="Luca Ferretti">

> It's just a really silly question, but IMHO could be cool if you can have
> the ability to choose Computer icon depending on what kind of computer you
> are using.
> Note that in gnome-icon-theme we have stock_notebook.png and
> gnome-fs-server.png at 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48 pixels, so we could
> change the icon in desktop, in explorer toolbar and in Place/Go menu. 
> It should be a global option, not a single user option. End, of course, I
> don't think we should add any UI to change it.
> Just a (gconf ?) key that distro can set when installing or root user can
> edit,

You can always just choose a custom icon for yourself. That seems like a
reasonable enough already-there option. Perhaps you should fire up some
people to do some common computer types in the jimmac style so users have
icons to choose from? :-)

- Jeff

GVADEC 2004: Kristiansand, Norway          
           "It's weird being without white noise." - Catie Flick

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