Re: Whats required for compiling nautilus-vcs

Hi Jens,

the nautilus extension stuff is not yet in HEAD but in a separate cvs branch. Use (all in one line):

cvs -d :pserver:anonymous anoncvs gnome org:/cvs/gnome co nautilus
-r nautilus-extensions-branch

to get the correct branch from CVS. I suppose the tarball is build from HEAD.

Thanks that got it working, I had a problem with the SCHEMA build options in libnautilus-private but commenting out those dependencies sorted that out. It appears that configure didn't set up the rule for:
but that might just be my system.

The VCS view seems to have loaded okay and is modifying some of the icons. I don't however seem to be able to do anything with the files. Does the CVS messages get logged anywhere? This may help with working out whats going on.

Thanks for your help.


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