Re: html-browser / mime-types / nautilus / gmc / galeon

 bordoley msu edu Vous avez crit, le Mittwoch, 14. August 2002 21:43:
> nautilus 1.0.6 had a web view but it sucked pretty bad as a web browser 
> In the future galeon2 will provide the nautilus web view
> In general it seems that nautilus is moving away from the explorer type
> dual web browser file manager and more towards acting as a desktop shell

I thought about the reason for my question.
The point is that more and more 'desktop-files' are just html, or even xml / 
java / php and such stuff. So, web-browser and filemanager are necessarily 
fusioning.   If you're going to deal with files you sometimes can't remember 
what's in there, and you want quickly look it up.  IMHO could be only 
text-view, such simple as the mc-builtin-viewer, but with preserving links. 
Or why not invoking lynx inside nautilus. But there should be _any_  fast 
running  feature even in nautilus. That beeing the major advance before real 
browsers: quick and easy lookup, without the extensive picture-and-layout 

With freindly regards -

> Micha mx eazel com said:
> > Is it true that both gmc and Nautilus Version 1.6 do not  inherit an
> > html-Browser ( like Konqueror does ) ?

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