Re: Problems with icon-themes with cvs HEAD nautilus

On Thu, 21 Nov 2002, Darryl Rees wrote:

> I wonder if anybody could give me any suggestions for troubleshooting 
> this...
> I have built gnome from cvs HEAD (parallel to stock RH8.0 gnome 2). 
> Unfortunately the icons are completely borked on the desktop and under 
> nautilus. If I use the default gnome icon theme every file (including 
> folders) has the 'blank dog-eared piece of paper' icon. If I use the 
> bluecurve icon theme then .tar.gz and core files get a reasonable icon.
> I've already installed gnome-icon-themes.
> Also it's picking up the icon theme directories from /usr/share/icons 
> instead of {PARALLEL_BUILD_PREFIX}/share/icons, which isn't what I expected.
> Anybody have any quick ideas for troubleshooting? I'm assuming its 
> something to do with my setup, there is no mention of a current bug like 
> this in bugzilla and I've tried updating my nautilus cvs a couple of 
> times over the last couple of weeks. I just don't want to spend hours 
> looking for the problem if possible.

Change your icon theme to "gnome" or make the bluecurve icon theme inherit 
from "gnome".

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's a bookish albino cop possessed of the uncanny powers of an insect. She's 
a transdimensional extravagent queen of the dead married to the Mob. They 
fight crime! 

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