Re: [patch] Bug 88585, Sorting of size column is messed up

On Tue, 2002-11-12, Tomas Junnonen wrote:
> I would say all the columns currently implemented in the Nautilus view
> can be arranged into an sensible order, defining what is "normal"
> sounds a lot harder on the other hand.

I don't know why you think the "sensible" is anymore well defined then

The words GTK_SORT_ASCENDING and GTK_SORT_DESCENDING were invented by gtk+
hackers.  They have nothing to do with _anything_ a user cares about.

> > Actually its still not consistent.  For example the date column sorts
> > from most recent to least recent when the arrow points down.  This is
> > what gtk+ calls ascending order, but numerically more recent dates
> > are larger then less recent dates, so the dates are really
> > descending...
> >
> > So why don't we fix the date column too?
> The date column should probably be fixed too, and I can create a patch
> for that.

And my argument about consistency should not have implied that we change
the sort order for dates.  For example, in evolution when I sort by date,
I almost always want to see the most recent message.  Yet if we followed
my argument, I would have to click twice to see the most recent message.

That, IMHO, would be a poor design choice.  The gnome UI shouldn't be
determined by consistency with two C #defines.

 - David

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