Re: cleaning up nautilus

On 3 Nov 2002, Diego González wrote:

> these patches remove some of the support for the old properties dialog
> and nautilus themes (installing/removing user themes).
> there is also a eel_bonobo_pbclient_set_value_async to
> bonobo_pbclient_set_value_async that was moved down from eel to bonobo
> in the last version.
> eel patches follow.
> There are some files that should be removed.

Looks good to me. Make sure we require the right version of bonobo to get 
the bonobo_pbclient_set_value_async function though.

> PD: if the patches are accepted i will write a Chagelog entry for them.
> żis there any interes in removing more stuff from eel? some time ago
> some gnome-vfs from eel code was moved to gnome-vfs itself, but the eel
> functions are still there and i think that nautilus is using the eel_*
> stuff instead of gnome_vfs_* equivalents.

In general i would like to systematically go over eel and move really 
useful stuff to libgnome(ui). Using the versions in gnome-vfs sounds good. 
Just make sure there has been no bugfixes or other changes to the eel code 
since that was moved.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's a fast talking one-eyed cowboy with a passion for fast cars. She's a 
disco-crazy goth fairy princess in the witness protection program. They fight 

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