[Nautilus-list] Slow refresh in subsequent windows in 1.1.9

Hi all,

I just compiled nautilus 1.1.9.

I have noticed a strange problem:

When I open my first home folder window, hitting refresh is very fast
When I open a second home folder window, hitting refresh is slower
When I open a third home folder window, hitting refresh is very slow.... but ONLY in that third window, this is in the first window it is still fast, slower in the second one and very slow in the last one.
If I change the directory in the slow window, the new directory will 
refresh very fast.
When I close the two first windows, the last one will refresh very fast.

Should I file a bug, or is this a know issue?

Manuel Clos
llanero jazzfree com

* Si no puedes hacerlo bien, hazlo bonito (Bill Gates)
* If you can't do it well, do it nice (Bill Gates)

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