Re: [Galeon-devel] Nautilus view and mime types

On 8 Jun 2002, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:

> > 	One of the complains that I have heard about the galeon1 view is that
> > it uses the galeon downloader instead of letting nautilus do the
> > download. I'm not sure of what is the best thing to do. We know that out
> > internal downloader will always work (even if there are cookies or
> > whatever thing involved). On the other hand, nautilus is supposed to be
> > able to decide what to do with some file, even remote ones.
> >

Nautilus only needs to decide what to do with files *after* the galeon
view determines that the files will be viewed (and not simpily

So in this case, the problem is not that bad.  The galeon view should be
able to decide if the link should be downloaded or viewed without
consulting nautilus, and in the "view file" case the directory views (both
icon and list) already use Nautilus_ViewFrame_open_location_* (available
from libnautilus, btw) so if the galeon view does the same everything
should work nicely.

> Letting nautilus do the download ? How ?
> I guess it would require to have a special case for the browser view ...
> current behavior for not known files (no view for them) is to show a
> failure dialog ...
> Or where else a nautilus downloader would be used ?
> And if it's a special case, would not be better to care of it in the
> interested view ?

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