Re: [Usability]GNOME 2.0 feedback

> > dumb _toy_ desktop. I have had enough with Nautilus 1.0.6 mounting
> > behaviour that made me remove Nautilus. I don't know about current 2.x
> > version yet.
> Just cuz I´m curious what do you not like about nautilus mounting behavior.
Its (OLD VERSION 1.0.6) incompatibility with autofs and stupid attempts
to load and eject CDs together with monitoring mounting events result in
totally weird behaviour. It broke one of my CDs to pieces and tried to
pinch my fingers by two madly moving CD trays, which is not exactly

I closely monitored the mailing list looking for solution, and I am not
sure that Nautilus 2.x is perfectly sane now. (I don't have a package to
install and check yet).

> Also in general users want features not options. we should aim to implement 
> features and add preferences only when they are truly appropriate.
I am a user and I really desire options to tweak the beast to sth better
than the default. I want to turn off harmful features and control useful

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