Re: Nautilus bugs and design choices (back-button)

On Tue, 2002-07-09 at 15:31, Mathias Hasselmann wrote:
> 	Let's return to Sun and why I think that Sun doesn't has intensive
> contact to the God of Usability: For me it is a fact that Sun's desktop
> system are inconvenient to use - mainly 'cause functionality is reduced
> over the limit.

The usability data Calum's group is providing has not sprung 
full-grown from the forehead of Scott McNealy like Athena from the
forehead of Zeus. If you know of someone else who is doing rigorous
user testing and think the GNOME project is not listening to them,
please let us all know who that is. If not, and you're arguing that
we should ignore the user test data and just trust our instincts,
then I'd say the free software / open source movement has smoked
enough of *that* crack already.

(FWIW, OpenWindows gave me the screaming heebie-jeebies; and five
years as a professional Java programmer hasn't made me love the
AWT or Swing user experience. But I haven't seen a suggestion come
out of Sun's usability tests that I didn't think was helpful, even
if it happened to contradict my personal preference.)

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