Re: Reducing the number of special uris in gnome

On Mon, 2002-07-01 at 05:34, Calum Benson wrote:
> Seth Nickell wrote:
> > We discussed making Preferences a top-level item. While on the one hand
> > this is obviously a more coherent arrangement since we aren't
> > incorrectly classifying preferences as an Application, it pushes
> > Preferences to more prominence than I think is really necessary. I
> > originally pushed for this idea and Calum (I think it was Calum?)
> > convinced me that Preferences didn't really need to be promoted that
> > much.
> Hmm, don't think it was me, I'd be happy enough to see them under their
> own menu... if nothing else to flesh out the menu bar a bit because only
> having two menus looks kind of puny :)  
> One problem might be a confusion about what a "Preferences" menu at the
> top of the screen referred to.  (Novice) users might feel the need to
> look there to change preferences for their current app, I dunno.

Yes, that concerns me too. The discussions are all coming back to me.
Now I just need Nils to remind me of all the dumb things I said ;-)


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