Re: [Nautilus-list] XALF patch

> -            nautilus_launch_application_from_command ("",
> +            nautilus_launch_application_from_command (name,

A nice improvement here, but not mentioned in your change log entry.

> -            command = uri + strlen (NAUTILUS_COMMAND_SPECIFIER);
> -            eel_gnome_shell_execute (command);
> +            name = nautilus_file_get_uri (file);
> +            df = nautilus_desktop_file_new ();
> +            nautilus_desktop_file_load (name, &df);
> +            g_free (name);
> +            nautilus_desktop_file_launch (df);
> +            nautilus_desktop_file_free (df);

This looks like the wrong part of the file to modify. This is only used when
processing a "command:" URL. How did you test this? I think you didn't fix
the case you meant to fix.

    -- Darin

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