Re: [Nautilus-list] Tar content view

Yea - I'd seen that article too, and got simiarly confused.  Those
sort of URLS work in mc/gmc - but evo doesn't grok them.  The stranger
part is that neither of those packages (mc or gmc) seem to depend on
gnome-vfs in any way that I can determine (rpm, ldd, etc.)

I posted a question on this subject (my first to the list) about a
week ago and got this in response:

Unfortunately, I'm not at a point with work that I have time to really
dig into nautilus and figure out how it uses vfs. :7

On 1/23/02 10:01 PM, "Dan Berger" <dberger ix netcom com> wrote:

> Double-Clicking on a .tar.gz, or a .rpm, or a .zip, or any number of
> file types that gmc (or more accurately gnome-vfs) groks results in
> the "I don't have a viewer" message.

These are missing features in Nautilus. People started on them, but
they didn't get done for 1.0.

> Am I missing something?  Is there some misconfiguration that might
> explain this behavior?  I like the look and feel of nautilus, but it
> seems, in many ways, a huge step backward in functionality from gmc.

This is a missing feature, yes. And it wouldn't be too hard for
someone to add it to Nautilus. I understand that it's a feature you
really like in gmc, and I'm sorry no one contributed the corresponding
feature for Nautilus.

   Dan Berger [dberger ix netcom com]
   Inter arma silent leges

   "Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect
   liberty when the government's purposes are beneficent. Men born to
   freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by
   evil minded rulers. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in
   insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without
	Justice Louis Brandeis, dissenting, Olmstead v US (1928)

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