
I'd just like to say thankyou for your hard work in making Nautilus the great app that it is today. Its pleasing to see the speed improvements that are incremental in each release of Nautilus. I'm now using Ximian snapshots of 2.0.3 and the speed just keeps getting better. It is now nearly as fast as IE on windows and Kongueror on KDE, at least in my experience.

I have a few suggestions for Nautilus and would like to hear what other people think of these ideas.

1.\  Put a folders button the the toolbar similar to how gThumb does it.
2.\ Have another button on the toolbar called search. This is one feature that I find very difficult to get along without. Just about every file manager that I know of has the ability to search for, and in files. I would like to have the search in the sidebar beacause that way I can see the files on the right and my search still in the sidbar. 3.\ Give users that migrate from windows better access to external storage devices. I dont know how many times when friends/family use my computer that I have to tell them how to find the CD drive. I prepose that in the sidebar we put "quicklinks" to these external storage devices, or mount points (probably not all mount points, users dont need to see swap etc.). That way in the sidebar there would be the treeview (full tree) and also root directories for all external devices. It might look something like this for a computer with 1 DVD drive and 1 CD Drive and 1 Flash Drive .

/ (Full Tree)(*)                   |
 /bin                             |
 /boot                            |
 /home                            |
 /mnt                             |
 /usr                             |
 /var                             |
 /other directories               |
/ (CD Rom)(*)                      |
 /pictures                        |
 /another directory               |
/ (DVD Rom)(*)                     |
 /vcd's                           |
 /whatever                        |
/ (Flash Drive)(*)                 |
 /contents of flash drive         |
Note (*) is a placeholder for where some graphic of the particular device could be displayed.

Hopefully you can understand the little graphic. It makes it a lot easier for a user that is not familiar with the system to get to each device. With the exposion of such external "plug-in" devices (flash drive, camera, external HDD, external CDBurner etc) I feel that this is crutial.

I hope that the things I have said here are taken in the right context and help enhance Nautilus, even if this post just creates some debate it will be good for Gnome.

Thanks, and I look forward to your comments.

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