Re: PATCH: bug 76293 and bug 48317

mån 2002-04-29 klockan 17.41 skrev Alex Larsson:
> > Here's an Idea, why dont i make go forward and up all use alt-arrow
> > keys. And than duplicate can use ctl+U, that will now be available since
> > up will use alt+up not ctl+u
> > 
> > would that be ok
> I don't like Alt-Up,

It does go along quite well with the use of Alt+Back and Alt+Forward for
Back and Forward. Easy to remember, since it would then make use of
previous experience with the navigational shortcuts and use the same

> I prefer Ctrl-<letter> for common operations, since 
> they are faster to use,

Easy remembering should be the most important issue. A "fast" shortcut
makes no sense if it requires re-learning to be able to use it.

> and more "normal".

I'm not sure I understand this particular comment. Could you please


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