Re: [Nautilus-list] CVS compile failure (nautilus-authn-manager.c)

on 9/19/01 8:33 AM, Chris Heywood at psych primus com au wrote:

> I got this compile failure with nautilus, eel, librsvg, and gnome-vfs
> from anoncvs.  Debian unstable machine.

Besides the "newer nautilus, older gnome-vfs" thing, there's a more-likely

The new gnome-vfs puts headers into a different place than the old
gnome-vfs. So it's important that you remove the headers from the old
gnome-vfs, because otherwise they might be found from include statements. A
"make uninstall" is one way to do this.

If you are using packages there's no problem, because the package manager
will remove the old headers.

    -- Darin

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