[Nautilus-list] Re: [Patch] Text view disclaimer

On Sun, 2001-10-28 at 23:33, Darin Adler wrote:
on 10/28/01 8:08 PM, Peter Snyder at kafer77a ameritech net wrote:

> Ok, here is that change.  All should be well....

> +    eel_gtk_label_make_larger (GTK_LABEL(disclaimer), 2);
> +    eel_gtk_label_make_bold (GTK_LABEL(disclaimer));

These still say GTK_LABEL(disclaimer) instead of GTK_LABEL (disclaimer).

I'm still not convinced that "2 sizes larger" is really justified.

Anyway, lets get this into the stable branch right away. Peter, do you have
cvs access?

    -- Darin
Ok, I made these changes (although I would have sworn I already did :).  I dumped the size down to one.  I really dont care about the size, I just choose a number that I initally thought looked asthetically pleasing. I'm not particulary attached to it or anything.

As for CVS access, no I don't.  As of now, i'm not really sure how the whole CVS check-IN side of things really works, so I'll have to set aside a hour or so to figure that out too.

--- nautilus-1.0.5/components/text/nautilus-text-view.c	Thu Oct  4 11:26:40 2001
+++ nautilus-1.0.5-devel/components/text/nautilus-text-view.c	Mon Oct 22 06:58:06 2001
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
 nautilus_text_view_initialize (NautilusTextView *text_view)
 	GtkWidget *scrolled_window;
+	GtkWidget *disclaimer;
 	text_view->details = g_new0 (NautilusTextViewDetails, 1);
@@ -182,9 +183,18 @@
 	/* allocate a vbox to contain the text widget */
 	text_view->details->container = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
 	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (text_view->details->container), 0);
+	/* Create label, add formating changes, and place it in frame */
+	disclaimer = gtk_label_new (_("This text is read only\nTo edit it, choose an option from the sidebar"));
+	eel_gtk_label_make_larger (GTK_LABEL (disclaimer), 1);
+	eel_gtk_label_make_bold (GTK_LABEL (disclaimer));
+	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (text_view->details->container), GTK_WIDGET (disclaimer), FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
 	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (text_view->details->event_box), GTK_WIDGET (text_view->details->container));
 	/* allocate the text object */

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