Re: [Nautilus-list] Text view Patch

on 10/20/01 1:15 AM, Peter Snyder at kafer77a ameritech net wrote:

> This is simply a patch that, when the user level is set to begninner,
> brings up a bar at the top of the text view which informs them to the
> fact that this is read only, to edit, choose a application from the
> sidebar (or something like that).  It complies off 1.0.5 and fufills
> Sun's suggestion for the usability study.
> Pete

Why only in Beginner level? The behavior is the same in all levels.

A rule with user levels that we tried to follow everywhere (but missed in a
few places) was this: The only differences between user levels are the
number of features that can be customized. Another way to put this is that
you should be able to configure Advanced user level to act exactly the same
as Beginner user level. Otherwise, you can end up with a mess where people
like some of the behavior from one user level and some of the behavior from
another, and there's no way to get exactly what they want.


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