[Nautilus-list] Re: scrollkeeper vs. new gnome-xml (was Re: [Nautilus-list]scrollkeeper-update hangs during Nautilusbuild)

> Darin and I found the offending bug in gnome-xml. After fixing the bug, the
> Spanish version of the Nautilus user's guide fails to parse correctly and
> spews out a bunch of errors, but it doesn't hang, nor does it kill the
> Nautilus build. Somebody else will get the honor of investigating why these
> errors occur.
> I've sent patches to Daniel Veillard. Hopefully he will respond quickly by
> checking them in or asking us to. In the meantime, if this happens to anyone
> else, you can apply this minimal patch to gnome-xml (stable branch):

So this is not related to Scrollkeeper at all?


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