Re: [Nautilus-list] Canceling a drag.

on 3/22/01 4:49 PM, Alexander Skwar at ASkwar DigitalProjects com wrote:

> So sprach Jussi Hagman am Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 08:47:26PM +0200:
>> Good to know, that works to me. Wether it is a easy for a beginner
>> to see this possibility or wether it is a good UI design is another
>> question. 
> Although I aggree to this, this is also the way it works in Windows...

That's a funny way to put it!

This property (cancelling a drag by dropping it somewhere that doesn't
accept that kind of drag) is pretty much a necessary feature for any
implementation of drag and drop. Otherwise, you would release the mouse over
some random object and ... the original object would disappear? There's
really no sensible answer other than "nothing happens; the drag is


> Alexander Skwar

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