Re: [Nautilus-list] [PATCH]: avoid re-layouting when it's not needed.

Darin Adler <darin bentspoon com> writes:

> On Sunday, June 17, 2001, at 03:01  PM, Yoann Vandoorselaere wrote:
> > I observed that when loading a directory, we are losting time in doing
> > re-layouting even *before* any file get added.
> >
> > The reason is the emission of the files_changed signal which trigger
> > display functions...
> I have some ideas about how to solve this that we can pursue when I
> get back from my trip.
> There is another big problem, where files_changed signal is emitted
> for all files whenever you start monitoring in a new window. That one
> can easily be fixed by adding a callback so that the new window learns
> about the files in its own callback and doesn't disturb existing
> windows by sending out a signal.
> The problem where laying out files before they are first officially
> added happens may be solvable another way -- but I need to think about
> it more.
> There's also opportunity to do less work on files_changed when the
> files in question haven't really changed.
> Finally, there's no reason to have separate files_added and
> files_changed signals any more, and I think I'll get rid of
> files_added next time I make changes to this code.
> But it's a complicated topic, and I don't have any immediate ideas
> that are trivial to implement. Just doing away with the whole change
> notice machinery is the wrong direction. That is there for a good
> reason, and disconnecting it after the initial directory load is wrong.


Ok, you'll tell me when you know. But for god sake, don't make a fix
instead of me as I took the issue.

Yoann Vandoorselaere | Tiniest "mesures unities?"
MandrakeSoft         | - lenght : millimeter
                     | - volume : milliliter
                     | - intelligence : military man

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