Re: [Nautilus-list] Nautilus with ogg

On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Darin Adler wrote:

> On Sunday, July 8, 2001, at 01:49  PM, Marius Stepien wrote:
> > I like the abbility of nautilus to listen to MP3s by leaving the mouse
> > pointer above a mp3 file. Now I plan to convert my MP3s to ogg vorbis, so
> > I wanted to ask if there are plans to make nautilus support this
> > file-type ?
> There's code in Nautilus 1.0.4 that looks like it handles ogg vorbis files
> in this feature. I haven't tested it myself, so you'll have to try it
> yourself or find someone who has tried it to find out if it actually works.
>   It looks like it uses ogg123, so make sure that's installed.

I just tried the ogg audio preview with Nautilus 1.0.4/vorbis-tools-1.0rc1
and with esd.  It runs ogg123 on the file, as seen in a ps listing, but
the sound is not played.  The ogg123 call does not specify a device. For
it to work with esd, it seems that one needs to use specify the device
with "-d esd".

I'm not sure how mpg123 knows to connect to esd.  Nautilus does not
explicitly set the sound device/server for mpg123, but it works anyway.

Perhaps mpg123 automagically detects the sound server and ogg123 doesn't?


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