RE: [Nautilus-list] Scripts: standard outputs??

Named pipes sounds like a better idea, and they would be truly useful -- 
I'm a script-maniac and would like to take advantage of this kind of 
functionality -- but all I could really think about as I read this was
the potential for misuse as output from scripts is piped into a buffer
in your filemanager for display purposes...

I can see the headlines now, "First buffer-overrun bash virus written as
Nautilus script".  


-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Steiner [mailto:joschi eds org]
Sent: Wednesday July 11, 2001 1:51 PM
To: Simon A Watts
Cc: nautilus-list lists eazel com
Subject: Re: [Nautilus-list] Scripts: standard outputs??

On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Simon A Watts wrote:

> For that matter, if there where pseudo devices for components (eg, 
> /dev/nautilus-statusbar, /dev/nautilus-notes)?  (These are then script 
> language independant).
> Maybe there are -- doc on what Nautilus offers to scripts is pretty

Yes, I too have gotten into writing some nautilus oriented scripts.  It is
pretty fun.  Being able to output status info aboutthe script to the
nautilus status bar would be terrific.  I can't think off the top of my
head what I would want to send to the notes pane, but I imagine someone
else could.  

So, it seems to me that this might be something relatively easily done
using named pipes... I would be willing to research this a bit if someone
could give some opinions about if this would be the "nautilus" way of
handling things. I've been wanting an excuse to get familiar with tthe
nautilus sources for some time now...

Josh "Yoshi" Steiner - josh xiphoidprocess com - 

Xiphoid Process Records -
San Francisco based electronic music.

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