[Nautilus-list] A few strings ... are ready for be translated?

Hi everyone:

      I have a question about a few strings in Nautilus that can´t get
translated to spanish since far time ago, these are in the side bar and
correspond to the certain objects. The strings are "folder" (under the icon)
and "HTML page" (I don´t remember right now if there are some more).

	I don´t know if these strings are in the same Nautilus´s cvs
directory or if these strings correspond a component of Nautilus that is not
included in the po files. Any help will be great.

	Note: Since I don´t susbcripted to this mail list please feel free
to send any reply to pablodc bigfoot com 


    .-.     Pablo Gonzalo del Campo
 .-.   .-.     MAPFRE Aconcagua
(___\ /___)       Sistemas
     |          Programador

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