[Nautilus-list] "Failed to notify listener"


small issue here, using build 2001 Feb 17 04:46:15

I set up nautilus in the gnome session to load at gnome startup.

While painting the desktop nautilus (gconf?) throws some errrors like

Feb 17 16:45:45 localhost gconfd (jens-19423): Directory/file
permissions for XML source at root /home/jens/.gconf are: 700/600
Feb 17 16:45:45 localhost gconfd (jens-19423): Failed to notify listener
3892314121, removing: IDL:CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0
Feb 17 16:45:45 localhost gconfd (jens-19423): Failed to notify listener
3825205253, removing: IDL:CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0

sometimes I get those errors later in a session, while working with
folders in nautilus i.e. open "My home" or the Thrash from the desktop.

Had it once when I right-clicked on a file to open it: rightclick did
nothing, the nautilus window closed and thow errors like the above

Jens Ansorg

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